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Welcome to the Spring 2025 Quarter!

Please use this application to apply for Spring Quarter Courses EPI 212, 233, 265, 266 BIOSTAT 209, 215, DATASCI 223, 224 and TICR Work-in-Progress Seminar. 

Spring quarter schedule

  • Payment must be received before learners will be enrolled in classes.

  • Please note: Only UCSF students (defined as individuals enrolled in UCSF degree or certificate programs) will receive academic credit for courses. Official transcripts are available to UCSF students only. A Certificate of Course Completion will be available upon request to individuals who are not UCSF students and satisfactorily pass all course requirements. UC matriculated students who wish to register in specific DEB courses may apply each quarter as desired. Please be advised that the DEB courses are a part of the UC Self Supporting Graduate Degree Programs, and as a result, course fees are assessed apart from, and in addition to, regular tuition and fees paid to the home campus. To cover the fees charged for the individual DEB courses, students will need approval and funding from their home campus/department. Payment for course fees will not be accepted from students. Only campus fund sources are allowable to pay for UC student enrollment in individual DEB courses.

  • If your department at UCSF is paying for your course, please have the following funding account information available before you begin the application: Fund ID # (4 digits), Dept. ID # (6 digits), Project ID# (7 digits), Activity Period# (2 digits), Speedchart# (10 alphanumeric), and Function ID# (2 digits). If your administrator would prefer to provide the account information directly to us, there is an opportunity later in the form to indicate who we need to contact.
Spring 2025 Fees

1 Concurrent enrollment in a University of California-sponsored residency or post-doctoral fellowship program that is recognized by the Office of Graduate Medical Education; or a registered student in one of the professional schools or graduate programs at the University of California (in a program other than the TICR program); or individuals who hold full-time salaried University of California faculty, academic or staff positions. Please note: Individuals will be asked to provide proof of UC status.

Applications to the TICR Work-in-Progress Seminar will be reviewed and participants will be assigned to sections based on availability. Participants will be expected to attend all sessions  (with one excused absence) and review/present works-in-progress.   Having research products that would benefit from input from students and faculty is highly encouraged prior to enrollment.
3Refund policy: The TICR Program will provide a full refund minus a $75 withdrawal fee per course if the TICR Program is notified of course withdrawals by the end of the 2nd week of classes: March 11, 2025.  We regret that there are no refunds after this date. Notice of withdrawals must be received by the deadline (send to: agnes.ng@ucsf.edu) to be eligible for refund.  

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Contact Information

My Access Login

If you do not have an active UCSF MyAccess Account, we need you to provide your date and home country.

Demographic Information

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UCSF Students

Masters/PhD/Certificate Program
UC matriculated students who wish to register in specific DEB courses may apply each quarter as desired. Please be advised that the DEB courses are a part of the UC Self Supporting Graduate Degree Programs, and as result course fees are assessed apart from, and in addition to, regular tuition and fees paid to the home campus. To cover the fees charged for the individual DEB courses, students will need approval and funding from their home campus/department. Payment for course fees will not be accepted from students. Only campus fund sources are allowable to pay for UC student enrollment in individual DEB courses.

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Employment/Position Information

Other Position or Affiliation

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Spring 2025 Fees
Spring Courses 

Spring Courses

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Payment Options

Check Payment Instructions
Mail checks to: Agnes Ng by March 28, 2025:

UCSF Campus Mail Box 0560
Training in Clinical Research Program
UCSF Dept of Epidemiology and Biostatistics
550 16th Street, 2nd Floor
San Francisco, CA 94143
(For FedEx only, use 94158)
UCSF account information

Administrators Email

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Where did you learn about our courses?